This beautiful decal is printed with nine silkscreen passes on a transparent mylar, creating a stained glass effect which can be enjoyed on both sides of any window.
Ravens have a close affinity with the supernatural world. They are totem birds of the dark Celtic Goddesses the Badbh and the Morrigan, who possess the ability to appear as one or three beings and to share shift into Raven form. Appearing often throughout Celtic mythology, they feature in the Welsh stories of the Mabinogi. Ravens are birds of omen - predicting the future by studying the flight of birds. Believed to possess oracular powers, the distinctive harsh voice of the Raven prophesied the future and the outcome of battles. Celtic coins depict the Raven or Crow perched on the back of a horse, symbolizing the war-goddess Badb Catha, who could change shape from woman to death crow in battle. The Triple Raven alights on Cu Chulainn's shoulder at his death, to symbolize the passing of his spirit. As death is closely intertwined with life, the bright-eyed Raven is also blessed with clear vision, and is wise in the mysteries of rebirth and healing.