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VL009 - COEXIST Original SymbolGlyph Large Vinyl Cutout Window Sticker
Available in Blue, White, Black, Red, and Yellow

VL009 - COEXIST Original SymbolGlyph Large Vinyl Cutout Window Sticker

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Part Number:VL009

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COEXIST Original SymbolGlyph Small Vinyl Cutout Window Sticker

This original Coexist design is by Jerry Jaspar, founder and owner of Peacemonger. It was inspired by an earlier version by Polish artist Piotr Mlodozeniec, who had designed a word/symbol piece with the three monotheistic faiths.

Our concept includes seven symbols:

  • The crescent moon "C" with a star is commonly, but often mistakenly understood to represent Islam.
  • The moon and star symbol identify with Diana, a Moon Goddess of ancient antiquity.
  • We chose the ubiquitous Peace symbol for our "O" in our piece.
  • The "E" was conceived and designed by Jerry Jaspar to represent equality and peace between sexes. Don't hit your wife, husband, or kids.
  • The Jewish Star of David creates the "X" in many of our versions of the theme "Coexist."
  • This version has a Unitarian Universalist, flaming chalice for the "I." (Most if not all faiths from antiquity to present incorporated the flame as a sacred symbol.)
  • A Taoist yin yang forms our "S," another one of our original elements many have copied exactly.
  • Finally, a Christian Cross creates our "T," but it is not placed last for any other reason than it forms this last letter in our one word poem, which is: "COEXIST."

Peacemonger's Vinyl Cutout Stickers are all made here in America. All of our Vinyl Cutout Stickers are cut from durable high quality vinyl. These Vinyl Cutout Stickers are weather resistant, and will last for years to come. All of our Vinyl Cutout Stickers make great gifts and come with an unconditional, 100% satisfaction guarantee.

You may order any of our Vinyl Cutout Stickers pre-applied to a clear static cling material for an extra charge. This will make the sticker dynamic. You'll be able to place it on your fridge, then move it to your car window if you choose. If you would like information on a specific product, please email [email protected].

This Vinyl Cutout Sticker measures 10 x 2.25 inches.

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