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S001-S060 Coexist and Tolerance Interfaith Symbol Glyph Sticker 2-PACK
S001-S060 Coexist and Tolerance Interfaith Symbol Glyph Sticker 2-PACK

S001-S060 Coexist and Tolerance Interfaith Symbol Glyph Sticker 2-PACK

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Part Number:S001-S060

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S001-S060 Coexist and Tolerance Interfaith Symbol Glyph Magnet 2-PACK

This 2-pack includes one Peacemonger original COEXIST sticker and TOLERANCE symbol glyph. 

This original Coexist design is by Jerry Jaspar, founder and owner of Peacemonger. Our concept includes seven symbols: 

"C" - The crescent moon with a star is commonly understood to represent Islam; but the moon and star symbol also identify with Diana, a Greek Moon Goddess of ancient times. 

"o" - The ubiquitous Peace symbol. 

"e" - Jerry Jaspar's original e-quality 'e'. A male and a female symbol are attached to the e to represent equality between the sexes.

 "x" - The Jewish Star of David. 

"i" - The dot on the 'i' is represented by the Pagan / Wiccan Pentacle / Pentagram. 

"s" - A Taoist yin yang. 

"t" - A Christian Cross.

S060 Tolerance Believe in It Interfaith Peace Love Unity Bumper Sticker Decal Peacemonger's original Coexist symbol design inspired a whole series of what we call "Symbolglyph" words. Among all the positive words we have put forth in this fashion, the most popular beside our Coexist is our Tolerance design. The Tolerance Symbolglyph incorporates 9 symbols: 

T - The Christian Cross.

 O - The ubiquitous peace symbol. 

L - A Native American peace pipe. Used by natives to smoke tobacco and other herbs for spiritual and ceremonial purposes.

E - Peacemonger's original equality symbol. A male and female symbol are attached to the e to represent equality between the sexes. 

R - Kokopelli, a Hopi fertility god dances and plays his flute beneath the arch of the 

A - The Jewish Star of David. 

N - Made to look like a door, with a 9 point Baha'i star on the front.

 C - The crescent moon and star associated with both Islam and the Greek moon goddess Diana. 

E - This letter is formed into Einstein's famous equation E=mc2, giving science a harmonious place among human systems of faith

These stickers are screen printed on durable vinyl. Free shipping included in a discounted 2-pack price for retail customers only.

  • Coexist measures 9 x 2.5 inches
  • Tolerance measures 9 x 2.5 inches
  • Made in USA
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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