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Swords into Plowshares

Posted by Jerry Jaspar / Yaron Fishman on 1/21/2016 to Products
Fresh Inspiration - A new section on dedicated to the most up to date timely designs as well as current-events related themes and topical products

Spring is in the air...

Posted by Phoenix Carmen on 3/21/2014 to Peace Holidays
Spring is in the air... Peacemonger is celebrating with 8 vibrant colors of the Women's Fitted Coexist T-shirt on sale for 20% off.

Evolution Story of The Skeleton Grateful Dead Zodiac Design

Posted by Jerry Jaspar on 1/31/2014 to Products
Evolution Story of The Skeleton Grateful Dead Zodiac Design - Jerry Jaspar's account of how, who, when, and where this design came into being and how it affected the artist, and inspired a Grateful Dead career for the artist and his friends.

Celebrate Dragonfly Mythology 

Posted by Jerry Jaspar on 4/18/2013 to Products

Celebrate Dragonfly Mythology with our Cosmic Dragonfly.