Jerry Jaspar DBA Peacemonger is the ORIGINAL creator of the COEXIST symbol sticker. Jaspar created this sticker in early 2000. All others are imitations. Please support artists and not impostors.
This "Coexist" bumper sticker has religious and social symbols representing each letter.
"C" - The crescent moon with a star is commonly understood to represent Islam; but the moon and star symbol also identify with Diana, a Greek Moon Goddess of ancient times.
"O" - The ubiquitous Peace symbol.
"E" - Jerry Jaspar's original e-quality 'e'. A male and a female symbol are attached to the e to represent equality between the sexes.
"X" - The Jewish Star of David.
"I" - The dot on the 'i' is represented by the Pagan / Wiccan Pentacle / Pentagram.
"S" - A Taoist yin yang.
"T" - A Christian Cross.
The original 7 letter Coexist!
Design by artist Jerry Jaspar
Made in the USA
Will last for many years